If you come to Sunday morning worship...
- Feel free to park anywhere. There are plenty of handicapped spaces near the entrance for those who need them.
- Traditional worship starts at 10:15 AM. Adult Sunday school starts at 9:00 AM.
- Ushers will provide you a bulletin at the entrance to the sanctuary. Sit wherever you like, there aren't any reserved seats.
- Our worship services typically last about an hour and are easy to follow by using the bulletin. Asterisks printed next to parts of the service indicate when to stand - but don't worry, the worship leaders and pastor will direct what to do during the service. Don't worry if you have trouble standing, it's ok to remain seated.
- Guests are never singled out and asked to stand.
- You don't have to pay anything. We don't expect our guests to put anything in the offering plate, though you're welcome to contribute if you like.
- We have child care rooms available during all services. The nursery room for infants and toddlers is available for parents who need to bring their children for a break. Generally older children (5 year olds - 12 year olds) go to the worship service and then are dismissed after the children's sermon to go to Sunday school. During the children's sermon, all the kids head to the front and hear a short message from the pastor. If your child doesn't feel comfortable heading to the front by himself, that's OK, you can come up too, or just remain in your seat and let her head out with the rest of the kids for Sunday School when it's over. The Sunday School usually consists of a short lesson, followed by games and crafts. If you prefer, you may certainly have your children remain with you in the sanctuary.
- Communion happens on the first Sunday each month. We practice open communion, which means all baptized adults and children (with their parent's blessing) may participate. Communion servers will bring the bread and juice (no wine) to your seat. Eat the bread when you get it, but hold the juice until the pastor performs the blessing.
- After Services....There is typically coffee and lemonade. No charge, just help yourself.
- Trinity members are very friendly people, so we definitely welcome you to stick around and chat. The coffee hour is a great way to get to meet people and make friends since it's full of lots of relaxed, open discussion.